Welcome to Harvest Mama

Welcome to the Harvest Mama blog of wisdom..parenting at 40 and beyond...How many of us are doing this? First timers and subsequent babies...From time immemorial women have been birthing in their 40's and beyond.., so here am I writing for all of us Harvest Mamas out there....and I welcome you all to my little world ,here on this blog

Harvest Mama 4 weeks to go

Harvest Mama 4 weeks to go

Sunday, February 20, 2011

At the Obstetrician's

The obstetrician experience
so exciting!
my very excited husband and I are sitting nervously in the waiting room...
We are ushered in by Dr G
once we sit down we are met with the " so what do you want to do about it?" after telling the doctor our exciting news..
Sorry??? Are we hearing this correctly? what do we want to do about it?????
This is a miracle..a gift from the Goddess...
well we are going to have our baby I replied...to which the Dr starts telling us all of the dire statistics associated with a " geriatric pregnancy" I dont care I tell him..I will face all and anything..
Then he proceeds to tell us about the miscarriage rates, the mortality and morbidity etc
Then he commences to push for amnios, CVS etc
No we tell him we dont want anything like this ...nothing...
I reply well u know what I have been through failed IVF with all of the emotional,physycal and financial cost which it entailed
I am now pregnant naturally at 43, with a 4% successful pregnancy rate in this age group..and I cannot believe that any mother would not wish to keep her baby in this situation
we are well established,mature,healthy,wise or not so wise I dont care

we are having this baby!!!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

what happens next

mmmmm...I wake up 3 days after the big day ...am I late? when were my last periods? no idea..
OMG!!!! what has happened now..a small liquid bleed during intercourse???? My head is in a spin..
out come my ancient nursing studies text books..Anatomy and Physiology..check
Alternate States of Health ..check..thats it I think, I must have on of those horrible gynae cancers that persecute women in their 40's
I ring my Dr...Thank God you are there I wail..my ever patient dr says what is wrong now? I am dying dying I say to him...I dont want to lose my bits ? what bits he says ..well I reply I can have any number of diseases..endometrial cancer, the unmentionable one please dont let it be the unmentionable one..please God I pray..or worse WORSE it could be the menopause...after listening to this for a while my doctor says "Have you thought you may be pregnant?" Dont be silly I say I cant get pregnant Im too old!!!! I have spent 4 years waiting for the double pink lines,the blue positive cross sign,every month only to feel the heartbreak of disappointment time and time again...
"Well " he says" it wont hurt to check just the once"
TEN pregnancy tests later...I sit and stare in wonder..there are 2 pink lines,2 pink double lines,2 blue lines,2 blue positive lines..many blue + symbols ,test after test after test
I tell my friend ..we hug..Im too scared to tell my husband..what if I miscarry like last time ???
Eventually I tell him
it will be our secret we say
How can one keep secret such a thing..you are so happy your heart threatens to burst ..you are so scared your heart sinks..
As I sit in wonder surrounded by 10 positive blue and pink lines
3 positive tests that I kept

Sunday, February 6, 2011

and the story goes like this

We gave up what else could we do? Our age certainly did not help and neither did our finances..I have 2 beautiful children who love you too I told my husband..so we got on with life.
It so happened that my very elderly maternal grandmother who had her last baby at 48 years of age was hoping that we would renew our vows in a Church..well its not my sort of thing , but my husband was all for it..why not?  We could have a party,I think deep down it was important to him..I am not an extreme Pagan by that I mean that I respect all religions and beliefs I wont force my ways on anyone just like I dont appreciate having anyone else's ways forced on me..We had had our legal marriage as a Wiccan handfasting so why not? Plus I got to dress up again..I threw myself into preparations
A masquerade reception what fun!!!
It wasnt until I went to zip up my dress 3 days before the wedding that I noticed a very slight change barely noticeable ..but my dress did not zip up! Oh no! I didnt look fatter!!!! I had this beautiful beautiful lace Pronovias gown that could not be done up...I did have an extra on stand by...I just cant resist a beautiful dress ..but it definitely was not the ONE! Regardless the day went ahead..and much fun was had by all

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Beginning ....Sowing the harvest

And so it was that on a warm  late winter afternoon  in 2006 we found ourselves sitting in the waiting room of the local reproductive medicine and infertility clinic ,why were we there? Well 6 months previously we had lost our very much wanted baby and we were advised due to our age to seek IVF help.
Let me please be honest here..I found both IVF clinics we attended to have no such honesty
when queried about the success rate of  couples where mothers are over 36 years of age they will skirt around the issue,beat about the bush and keep regurgtating statistics for under 35 year old women with primary infertility..that is infertility caused  as a result of a primary medical reason like polycystic disease or severe endometriosis.
Honestly! Thats not what either of us wanted ,as a registered nurse married to a male midwife ..I wanted facts ..I wanted to know success rates and most importantly failure rates among the over 40 's.
This information was never given
We were by then caughte up within the system,I duly injected, was poked ,prodded,investigated ...I found out that the biological age of my eggs was about 32 which was good to hear..Unfortunately only 4 were harvested ..I informed them of my retroverted uterus which was duly ignored and the specialist implanted the embryos ,which were healthy ..blindly with no ultrasound assistance..the pain was horrendous..It will not surprise anyone to find out  that 3 attempts and $12000 later there was no success.
What these  clinics will not tell you is that a successfull pregnancy for the over 40's is about 15 % which is basically the same as Mother Nature's
What they do not tell you is that suppressng ovulation for the "right moment " to implant can cause an increased risk of premature menopause in women over age 35.
What they do not inform you of is the havoc wreaked by them playing with your hormones on your physical and psychological status
Everytime I went in for visits bloods etc I would be confronted with my sad sorry self in the form of other anxious women aged 40 plus..
Three attempts no more I said,Im not stupid or deluded enough to believe platitudes etc
This is what I found ..if the reproductive clinins tell you that your chances of conceiving a healthy pregnancy at age 40 plus are exactly the same as letting nature take its course would you be there? of course not
If they told you that treatment could induce early and permanent menopause you would run a mile!

the over 40's are their bread and butter,they are often financially stable with assets that they  can draw on and pay thousands and thousands of dollars for an empty dream...the clinics know this..the success rates in that age group are poor and do not warrant the heavy emotional cost ...
We gave up .I was lucky I had my 2 children from my previous relationship..a loving husband I considered myself and blessed...



Agatha ...Cat of the Harvest Mama Household
May She Shine With Brightest Blessings

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How I became a Harvest Mama

How did it happen? My Journey ...Surfacing from your of oppression and repression caused by being trapped in an abusive first marriage, I took my first steps out into the sunshine...
I was 39 with two young children starting again,with no home and no money.
I did what every sensible mama would do ..I weaned my 4 year old son..and looked for a job..Being a registered nurse ceratinly helped..I worked nights 3 times a week and my mum (who is a spring mama) looked after my children.
It was during one of these shifts that I met again with Rowan .We had met through work many years before and found our friendship quickly rekindled..We had  much in common, and it I was amazed at how easy love can actually be with the right person..
We married 8 months after we met..why waste time we were 40 and 47 ,given a second chance at love ...we are hopeless romantics so we married an intimate ceremony on a rainy summers evening in the gorgeous Japanese gardens in front of our closest and dearest...

And this was how it all started