Welcome to Harvest Mama

Welcome to the Harvest Mama blog of wisdom..parenting at 40 and beyond...How many of us are doing this? First timers and subsequent babies...From time immemorial women have been birthing in their 40's and beyond.., so here am I writing for all of us Harvest Mamas out there....and I welcome you all to my little world ,here on this blog

Harvest Mama 4 weeks to go

Harvest Mama 4 weeks to go

Sunday, March 27, 2011

At the Obstetrician Part 2

So there we were at an age when many are faced with grandparenthood we were going to have a baby, wow~! We felt 20 years younger, giggling between us at how we beat the odds!! Odds..did I say odds well the well meaning obstetrician was not going to forget about the odds now was he?

So exactly are we talking about here???
Ok before I scare everyone half to death ,let me tell u guys that as I am a Registered Nurse specialising in Paediatrics and my lovely husband is a midwife ,coupled with the fact that my eldest daughter whom I had at the "safe age" of 34 has Turners Syndrome we knew all about the "odds"
Nevertheless we sat through and listened
Increased "risk " of Downs Syndrome at 40+ the odds are about 1 in 4
Increased risk of placenta praevia
Increased risk of hypertension
Increased risk of congenital birth defects
Increased risk of miscarriage
and so on
yes,yes we thought

However ,we said,we have  also nursed women with all of the above in pregnancy and postpartum in their 20's and 30's
we have cared for children with genetic issues whose mums were only in their 20's
so who is right ,who is wrong?
we remained unfazed, we were keeping this baby and will meet any obstacles if and when they arose, together