Welcome to Harvest Mama

Welcome to the Harvest Mama blog of wisdom..parenting at 40 and beyond...How many of us are doing this? First timers and subsequent babies...From time immemorial women have been birthing in their 40's and beyond.., so here am I writing for all of us Harvest Mamas out there....and I welcome you all to my little world ,here on this blog

Harvest Mama 4 weeks to go

Harvest Mama 4 weeks to go

Fertility after 40...Mothering against the odds


they say that the chances of getting pregnant after 40 is 5% each month  and that 35% of these pregnancies end in miscarriage and by age 45 the miscarriage rate is 53%, and 1 in 378 live pregnancies will be affected by Downs Syndrome. IVF also has a success rate of 1% after age 44 so that really is no help,just money down the reproductive medicine drain


This is why we Harvest Mamas are special,wonderful beings we have created life against all odds and we should be proud..